Using Argus

Getting Argus

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Processing Packets

Analysing Packet Files

Argus processes libpcap and Endace's ERF packet data and generates summary network flow data. If you have packets, and want to know something about whats going on, argus() is a great way of looking at aspects of the data that you can't readily get from packet analyzers. How many hosts are talking, who is talking to whom, how often, is one address sending all the traffic, are they doing the bad thing? Argus is designed to generate network flow status information that can answer these and a lot more questions that you might have.

If your running argus for the first few times, get a packet file from one of the IP packet repositories, such as pcapr and process them with argus(). Once you have both the server and client programs and a packet file, run:

argus -r packet.pcap -w packet.argus
ra -r packet.argus

Compare the output of argus() with tcpdump() or wireshark. You should see something completely different. Instead of individual packets, you'll see flow status records. To see an example of the two side by side, here is an example.