Core Clients
Ra Core Clients
The argus-clients package provides a set of core client programs that provide the basic functions needed to use argus flow data. This includes printing, processing, sorting, aggregating, tallying, collecting, distributing, archiving, and anonymizing data. Here we provide basic examples of how to use these utilities; ra, rabins, racluster, racount, radium, ranonymize, rasort and rasplit. For these examples, we use standard sets of argus data.
ra | Basic argus record reading and printing and storing. |
rabins | Align argus data to time based bins. |
racluster | Argus data aggregation |
recount | Tally various aspects of an argus stream. |
radium | Argus record collection and distribution. |
ranonymize | Anonymization of argus data record contents. |
rasort | Argus data file or stream sorting. |
rasplit | Split argus data into multiple files. |